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Meryan leather handbags at The Christian Kings fortress

When we decided to do a photoshoot to introduce you our leather handbags and backpacks collection we chose a place full of history from the Roman days. This place has been witness to memorable events, with its lights and shades and no little legends. It is the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, the fortress of Catholic Kings, and the symbol of our yesterday and today’s history, the perfect framework in our search for tradition and contemporaneity.

We visit today which were once the gardens of the muslim alcazar and later on the gardens of the catholic kings, and today are the result of a 20th Century design that preserves the magic from the past and surround us by a sensory world of light, colour and scents. The flowers display its vibrant colours and accompany us along the walk. Those colours that Meryan collects and reinterprets in its handbags collection as part of the aesthetic tradition. That is the case of “Nazarí”, a design that depicts the geometric lines of hispanic-muslim tradition but modernised by solid and bright colours.  


Today far from the historical accuracy we want to evoke the most intimate daily life at the palace… So it is said that Isabel, Queen of Castile, frequently slipped away and hide in this oasis of peace and quiet, between gardens and groves just to be alone and read… She really enjoyed being isolated at those gardens watered by the river Guadalquivir from Abderramán II times… Our handbag called “Isabelino” is inspired by the brocades and embroideries with the pomegranate, symbol of her reign. 


But there are more than legends in the Alcázar, there are true stories… and so the Catholic Kings Isabel and Ferdinand, officially received Columbus the sailor who was settled in Cordova in those days with his lover Beatriz Henriquez. He was seeking funds for a new trade route to Indias… The journey that a few years later, in 1492, led him to America, bringing prosperity to Spanish Court during decades. A journey with lights and shades that linked two continents and its history forever. In the picture our backpack “Najima” this design modernises the mudéjar patterns, a unique style that combines cultures from the 15th Century. 


For our side, we value the most beautiful part of these histories and enjoyed the light of the environment that involved the photoshoot. We want to thank Cordova City Council to let us use the place, thanks clothing designer Inma de la Riva and the model Cristina Rovi for joining us on such royal style walk.

Posted in: Bag and accessories

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